Welcome to the Boston Camera Club!
Established in 1881, the Boston Camera Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of photography as an art and science.
Club activities are held throughout the year while regular weekly meetings are on Tuesday evenings from September through June at 7pm.
Programs are planned to interest all photographers, from beginners to skilled artisans. Guests and prospective members are welcome at any of the club's meetings.
Currently meeting on Zoom or at
The Old South Church, 645 Boylston St., Boston 02116(map). For additional information regarding the location click Here.
Thinking about Membership? Try it for free with a Guest Membership!
For information on full membership:
The Boston Camera Club is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
This ARTICLE on PetaPixel, the photography website, describes why you should join a camera club.
Upcoming Events & Announcements
Meetings: Boston Camera Club meets Tuesdays 7-9pm. Zoom Meeting (for members only) except the Print Competitions which are all In Person only.
Yearly schedule of events are available at this link: 2024-2025.
Multi Club Competition slide show 2024, with results are available under: /Club/Downloads.aspx -> Mics-> Multi-club competitions->Multi-Club Competition Slide Show 2024 - with results
BCC member only Facebook Group - This site enables members to connect with each other informally. Highlight upcoming events that might make good photo ops, classes or webinars that might be of interest to members, let others know you'll be going to shoot at a location in case anyone else is interested, etc. Please register at https://www.facebook.com/groups/394316185959307/?ref=share
BCC Members' Photo Exhibition at the Honan-Allston Boston Public Library
March 1 - April 26, 2025
Opening Reception
Saturday, March 8: 11am-1pm
300 N. Harvard Street, Allston, MA
Friends and Family invited
Open to the Public
BCC first meeting in the location - Old South Church
In the News

See the feature 10-page article about the Boston Camera Club in Yankee Magazine's Sept/Oct issue. The article includes photographs from Arthur Griffin, a past club honorary member and 10 current club members: Philip Borden, Simon Bunyard, Craig Childs, Kelly Collin, Yair Egozy, Ellen Foust, Moti Hodis, Eli Hollander, Jurgen Lobert, and Beth Luchner.
View the digital issue here starting on the page numbered 90: https://issuu.com/yankeemagazine/docs/yankeemagazine_septoct_2024
BCC Blog
Stay up-to-date on Photo Workshops, Exhibition Calls, BCC Members' Exhibits and much more
BCC Reflector Newsletter
Click HERE to download the December 2024 issue.

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